Prayer points for RCCG 40 days fasting

JAN - 10TH FEB 2015 )
1 Thank you Lord for all You have done in our lives, in our homes, in His Church, in our nation
Nigeria. ( 1 Chron.16 : 8 - 9 )
2 Thank you Lord for all Your provisions to us as individuals, as families and as a church. ( Deut.8 :
10 )
3 Thank you Lord for our salvation and for our heavenly inheritance. ( Col.1 : 12 )
4 Thank you Lord for forgiving us our sins Psalm.103 : 3.
5 Thank you Lord for divine health enjoyed throughout 2014. Exo.15 : 26.
6 Thank you Lord for delivering us from all forms of destruction in 2014. Psq.103 : 4.
7 Thank you Lord for all the good things you have satisfied me with in 2014. Psa.103 : 5.
8 Thank you Lord for not allowing us to be preys to our enemies. Psa.124 : 6.
9 Thank you Lord for causing us to escape all the traps the enemy set for us in 2014. Psa 124 : 7.
10 Thank you Lord for fighting all my battles for me in 2014. Exo.14 : 14.

1 Father God, please make this year a year of rest for me and my family in Jesus name. 1 Kings 5 : 4; 2Chron 14 : 7.
2 O Lord, in your mercy, release me from every judgement that I deserve in Jesus name. Ps. 25 : 7;
Ps.94 : 18; Ps.145 : 8
3 O Lord, in this year of release, please set me and my family free from every form of bondage -¬‐
spiritual,physical, financial and emotional in Jesus name. Ex.2 : 23 - 25; Ex.20 : 2; Is.10 : 27.
4 Father God, please cancel all my debts supernaturally and let there be a transfer of the wealth of the heathen and the unrighteous into my storehouses in Jesus name. Deut.28 : 12; Zech.14 : 14; Isa.61 : 6 - 7.
5 O Lord, let there be a restoration of all the assets - land, property, investments, deposits that I have lost to creditors and fraudsters in Jesus name. 2 Kings.8 : 5 - 6; Joel 2 : 25 - 26.
6 Father God, let there be peace, unity, love and reconciliations in my family in the mighty name of
Jesus. Ps.133 : 1 - 3; Gen.11 : 6.
7 Father, make this year a year of divine scholarship for me. Cause me to reap and to benefit from where I have not sowed or laboured in Jesus
name. Deut. 6 : 10 - 11
8 O Lord, please protect me from every destruction and calamity reserved for the dsobedient this year in Jesus name. Job 31 : 3; Psa.55 : 23.
9 O Lord, please annul and set me free from every agreement or contract designed to shortchange me or frustrate me in Jesus name. Gen.31 : 7 - 9.
10 Every prison door and every ancient gate between me and my breakthrough, be lifted up in Jesus name. Psalm 24 : 7.

1 Oh Lord, grant the RCCG Leadership (the General Overseer -Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the Governing
Council, the Elders, the Provincial Pastors/Asst. Provincial Pastors/ Pastors) wisdom and deep revelation in the knowledge of Him. Eph.1 : 17 - 19; Phil.1 : 9 - 11.
2 O Lord, please be a wall of fire around the RCCG Leadership and safeguard them against all forms
of satanic attack. Lk.22 : 31; Zech.2 : 5.
3 O Lord, we take authority against everything that the enemy would want to use to threaten the UNITY of RCCG. Psalm 133 : 1 - 3.
4 O Lord, in RCCG, give us pastors that will shepherd the flock with INTEGRITY of heart. Psalmv78 : 72.
5 Father, let your FRESH ANOINTING be upon all our Pastors. Psalm 23 : 5b; Psalm 92 : 10.
6 O Lord, we ask for WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING in the lives of all our parish/area/provincial pastors to lead the flock aright Colosians 1 : 9 - 11.
7 O Lord, let there be the full operation of the revelational, vocal, and power gifts in the lives ofvall RCCG ministers 1 Cor.12. : 6 ‐ 10.
8 O Lord, manifest your power and glory in all Holy Ghost Services, Conventions, Congress, Shiloh and
Divine Encounter Programmes this year 2015. 2 Chron.5 : 14; Acts 16 : 26.
9 O Lord, let there be great expansion of your Kingdom through the parishes both in Nigeria and
all nations of the earth. Mark 1 : 28.
10 O Lord, let nothing bring your Name or the name of RCCG into disrepute. Matt.5 : 13; Rom.2 : 24.

1 O Lord, let our land Nigeria experience rest this year in Jesus name. 1 Kings 5 : 4; 2 Chron 14 : 7.
2 Father Lord, let your will be done in the forth- coming general elections. Give us leaders after your own will. Let your counsel alone stand. Matt.6 : 10; Prov.19 : 21.
3 O Lord, give us God-fearing leadership at local government, state & federal levels. 1 Timothy 2 : 2; Proverbs 29 : 2.
4 O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all forms of violence and acts of terrorism. Isaiah 60 : 18.
5 O Lord, deliver Nigeria from every form ofvnatural disasters. Psalm 91 : 1 - 10.
6 Father, expose every form of corruption in our land and cause the nation to recover all that has
been stolen through corrupt acts. Amos 5 : 11 - 12; Ezra 7: 26.
7 O Lord, Revive all the dead sectors of our economy. Ezekiel 37 : 1 - 14;
8 O Lord, cause Nigeria to be a debt-free nation. Deut.15 : 6; Deut.28 : 12.
9 O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all froms of financial waste. Isaiah 61 : 4.
10 Father, please restore Nigeria’s prominence as a leading economy in Africa. Joel 2 : 25 - 26: Deut 28 : 13.

May God bless you and strengthen you all


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