How Nigerian Nurse Can Get Registered As A Registered Nurse In GCC, Qatar in Particular

As a Registered Nurse in Nigeria, it is easy and possible for you to work as a Registered Nurse in the Gulf Countries by following the under listed steps.

Gulf Countries are the six (6) countries that lies around the Arabian gulf coasts, these are majorly Arabs, which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and The United Arab Emirates.
If you are planning of going to Qatar, take a time to confirm your HIV and Hepatitis B status including your TB status (if any of these is positive, don't bother embarking on the journey to Qatar).

Requirements For Nurses In Qatar 
For you to qualify to work effectively as a Registered Nurse in Qatar, you need to register with the Department of Healthcare Professions (DHP), Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and obtain the Qatar Council of Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP) license and you must follow the below guidelines:

1. Update Your PUF
2. Your practicing License must be valid (at least six (6) months validity).
3. Carryout your Verification (Primary Source Verification) by Dataflow 
4. Register and sit for the Prometric Examination 
5. Look for job and migrates to Qatar or Migrate to Qatar and look for job.

1. Update Your PUF:
Professional Update Form(PUF), is the update of your professional status to your Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) portal.

a. If you have not done your PUF at all, you can carryout your PUF on NMCN portal by clicking HERE or by visiting
Sample of the PUF form from the NMCN portal.

b. If you have uploaded your PUF but you want to update your details, like change of employer, additional certificate, change of name, renewal of license, request for foreign license verification, etc
Click HERE or visit
Click on the three lines at the top-right corner , to login 
Supply your username and password and submit 

c. If you are not sure, if you have uploaded your PUF 
Click HERE or visit
Click on the three lines at the top-right corner , to Register.
Supply your specialty, Registration Number and Surname and 
Click on Send me code, a code will be send to you 
Insert the code
Insert your New password 
Click submit 
Once your PUF details have been updated, you can move to the next stage.

2. Your practicing License must be valid (at least six (6) months validity).
Make sure your Health (NMCN) license is valid for the next six months from the date you want to start the process. If not, wait until you renew your license before you begin. 
You can check the validity of your license physically or on your NMCN portal by:
Click HERE or visit
Click on the three lines at the top-right corner , to login 
Supply your username and password and submit 
The License validity will be displayed on the third square
Once your license is valid, let us move to the next stage.
3. Carryout your Verification (Primary Source Verification) by Dataflow
Primary Source Verification in the Gulf Countries most especially in Qatar is carried out by Dataflow. Dataflow is the agency that is in charge of Verification in Qatar.
Before your begin your verification or Dataflow (as people always call it), make sure you have the following documents in place:
a. International passport 
b. Health license by NMCN 
c. Professional Certificate(s) {RN, RM, BNSc etc every certificate on you NMCN portal}
d. Certificate or Statement of employment (from your employer) within five (5) years experience 
e. Transcript from one of your academic institution (student's copy).
f. Functional email address 
g. You are to pay the prescribed fees
Once all the above documents are in place, you can proceed with your Verification/Dataflow.
Note: If there is no issue, the report will be ready within 28 days
ii. Always check your email, Incase you will need to add some documents 

4. Register and sit for the Prometric Examination
Like CBT and OSSCE in UK and NCLEX in USA, Prometric is the professional examination for all health practitioner that wanted to work in Qatar or any Gulf Countries. Prometric examination is a 150 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) for 3 hours, candidate are expected to score at least 50%. Failure to achieve the 50%, the candidate will need to reseat for the examination and he/she has only 5 attempt in the Prometric examination (Saudi Arabia has 3 attempt) for Nurses.
Note: You need your international passport to register for this examination 
ii. You are to pay the prescribed fees 

5. Look for job and migrates to Qatar or Migrate to Qatar and look for job.
After your Positive Dataflow report and Pass Prometric results, you can proceed to migrating to Qatar (if you are not in the country) or begin searching for jobs (job hunting) and get prepared to Migrate.

When you enter the country, you will undergo Medicals at their Medical Commission.
If your Medical report is FIT, you will go ahead to process your Qatar Identity (QID) Card, which expires after one year, and it's renewable for another one year.

As a nurse, you'll need to do the following:

1. Attestation of Certificates and transcripts from ministry of Education and Foreign Affair in Abuja and confirmation at Nigeria embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affair (MOFA) Doha, Qatar 
2. Police Clearance Certificate from Nigeria, attested at Nigeria Embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affair (MOFA) Doha Qatar (when you are ready for evaluation, expires after three (3) months
3. CPR certification when you are ready for evaluation.

Salary Of Nurses In Qatar
The salary of nurses in Qatar varies on employer (Private and Government).
Private employer is from 4,000 to 8,000qar, while Government employer is from 10,000qar above.
The only and major government hospital in Qatar is Hamad Medical Corporation.

Cost of Living In Qatar
The cost of living in Qatar is very cheap with the below facilities:
1. Accomodation: The rate of accomodation ranges from bed spaces, partitions, studios and villa, with price ranges from 350 to 12,000qar.
2. Accomodation amenities: the amenities ranged from from types of accomodations like: bed, wash room, uninterrupted Power Supply, Air condition, Wi-fi, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave etc.
3. Transportation: Qatar has two major means of transportation 
a. Road: This is a means of transportation that link from one place to another on road. Either by car, and bus (motorcycle is not a means of transportation in Qatar but for delivery and tricycle is not available in Qatar). 
Cars can be a private owned or commercial (Uber, Badrgo, Karwa etc).
Buses are available as transportation, we have some buses that are free (Metro bus) and some that you'll pay as little as 3qar per trip (Karwa bus).
b. Train: Qatar has over thirty (>30) Metro stations, the metro stations links you to underground train station that connects you from one major place to another (Msheireb to Al Mansoura, Lusail to Al Wakra, Al Doha Al Jedida to Oqba ibn Nafie etc) for as low as 2qar per tagging (tagging in and out of the metro station is 2qar).

4. Side Attractions: Qatar is ruched with many side Attractions, ranging from Villagio park, Al Muntazah park, National Museum, Islamic Museum of Art, Corniche and lots more

If you have any questions and enquiry, feel free to send an email to or drop your comment 

Best of luck in all your endeavors 👍


  1. Good afternoon, thanks for the information.
    Can dependent move and able to work

    1. We can have dependent when we have a principal.
      A principal can bring dependents to join them in Qatar if his or her salary is 10,000qar or above.
      The common Visa to migrate to Qatar is working visa not family Visa.
      Individual can obtain different Visa and migrate but come along with evidence of marriage documents to enable you live together as couple

  2. Where can one wrote the Prometric exam

    1. Depending on your location:
      In Africa - Accra, Ghana. Or travel to your preferable country in the middle east


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