Pics: President Bola Tinubu and Com Adetunji Olalere.

Solidarity Greetings to the Nigerian Students, ladies and gentlemen of the press.
I welcome you to this Press Briefing from the Senate Arm of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS); our focus is on the need of Nigerian Students ahead of the year 2024 in lieu of the suffering and pains of Nigerian Students in the year 2023 as it comes to close.

In a groundbreaking move, the Federal Government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has unveiled some of measures aimed at redefining the landscape of education in the country in Year 2023. They are awesome but considering the State of Education in Nigeria in the Year 2023, there is need for transformative initiatives in Nigeria Education System through holistic approach to student welfare, grants and campus security. 

Addressing key facets such as student welfare, grants, and security on and off-campus, to foster a conducive learning environment, priority should be given to the four itemized initiatives; namely:
1. Pioneering Student-Centric Welfare Programs: Federal Government should prioritize student welfare across the nation through a range of innovative programs, access to improved healthcare, housing facilities, and nutritional support. This transformative approach will address the holistic well-being of students and recognize the pivotal role of academic success and personal development.
2. Grant-Based Financing: Federal Government  should considered Grant-Based Financing as a paradigm shift from Student Loans. A shift from traditional student loans to a grant-based financing system will mark a progressive departure from financial burdens on students. This paradigm shift should aim at democratizing access to quality education, ensuring that financial constraints no longer hinder deserving students from pursuing higher education.  Hence, the government's commitment to investing in the future workforce will be more evident with this strategic move.
3. Robust Security Measures on Campuses: Safety within academic institutions should be more prioritize by the government by implementing robust security measures on campuses through deployment of advanced surveillance technology, increased security personnel, and collaboration with local law enforcement agencies to create secure environments that is  conducive to learning. 
4. Strengthening Security Off-Campus: Beyond the confines of campuses, the government should equally be committed to collaborative initiatives with local communities, enhanced law enforcement presence, and community awareness programs that contribute to a safer off-campus experience. 
Conclusively, these initiatives collectively will  signify a new era for education in Nigeria if the Federal Government could re-emphasize, buy into these noble recommendation by NANS Senate President and re-dedicate to fostering an environment where every student can thrive academically and personally. Ditto; the commitment to holistic student welfare, grant-based financing, and enhanced security measures reflects a visionary approach to Nigeria education system that will reposition Nigeria as a trailblazer in the global educational landscape.
However, we believe in the renewed hope administration as we anticipate the reality of these ideas /initiatives from us  in the students community.

The welfare of Nigerian Students is our Priority, Federal Government should focus more on there initiatives suggested and give Attention to Grants for Nigerian Students to cushion effects of this hardship .

Happy New Year to the Entire Nigerian Students, it shall be a Flourshing years for Nigerian Students .

Until New Record is set Aluta Continua....


Comrade Olalere Benedict Adetunji
NANS Senate President.


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