List Of Some Common Medical Tests and their Abbreviations


♦️ `Blood Tests:`
1. CBC - Complete Blood Count
2. BMP - Basic Metabolic Panel
3. TSH - Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
4. FBS - Fasting Blood Sugar
5. LDL - Low-Density Lipoprotein (Cholesterol)
6. HDL - High-Density Lipoprotein (Cholesterol)
7. INR - International Normalized Ratio (Blood Clotting)
8. PT - Prothrombin Time (Blood Clotting)
9. PTT - Partial Thromboplastin Time (Blood Clotting)
10. U/A - Urinalysis

♦️ `Imaging Tests:`
1. CT - Computed Tomography (Scan)
2. MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
3. XRAY - Radiography
4. ECHO - Echocardiogram
5. USG - Ultrasonography
6. PET - Positron Emission Tomography
7. MRA - Magnetic Resonance Angiography
8. MRAA - Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Aorta

♦️ `Cardiovascular Tests:`
1. ECG - Electrocardiogram
2. Holter - 24-hour Holter Monitor (Heart Rhythm)
3. Stress Test - Treadmill Test (Exercise Electrocardiogram)
4. Echo Stress - Stress Echocardiogram
5. CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

♦️ `Pulmonary Tests:`
1. PFT - Pulmonary Function Test
2. Spirometry - Lung Function Test
3. COPOW - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Test)

♦️ `Neurological Tests:`
1. EEG - Electroencephalogram (Brain Wave Test)
2. EMG - Electromyography (Muscle Test)
3. Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) - Nerve Function Test
4. Lumbar Puncture - Spinal Tap

♦️ `Gastrointestinal Tests:`
1. Endoscopy - Upper GI Endoscopy
2. Colonoscopy - Lower GI Endoscopy
3. Barium Swallow - Upper GI Series
4. Barium Enema - Lower GI Series
5. GFR - Glomerular Filtration Rate (Kidney Function)

♦️ `Urological Tests:`
1. U/A - Urinalysis
2. IVU - Intravenous Urography
3. Cystoscopy - Bladder Endoscopy
4. Ultrasound - Renal Ultrasound

♦️ `Other Tests:`
1. ABG - Arterial Blood Gas
2. Biopsy - Tissue Sampling
3. CA125 - Cancer Antigen 125 (Ovarian Cancer Test)
4. PSA - Prostate-Specific Antigen (Prostate Cancer Test)

 ⚠️ Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more medical tests and abbreviations used in clinical practice.


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