22 Mind Blowing Facts That Will Make You Question Your Existence!

Bet you didn’t know where the water in your glass is from

Just when you think you know almost everything regarding a specific topic, something new comes up and blows your mind! There are always new things to learn, things evolve and transform into something new.

Without evolution, human life would cease to exist.

The world is full of possibilities. It may seem that you have seen too much in life and what more could possibly surprise you, but then something comes up and you are amazed at the vastness of this world.
We have picked out a few amazing facts you never knew existed!

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I was shocked like too, the first time I heard it. And then I wondered how is that even possible?! The reason behind this is very simple and it makes complete sense. Hippos basically secrete two kinds of unique acids namely, “Hipposudoric acid” and “Norhipposudoric acid”.

The Hipposudoric acid is red in color, while the Norhipposudoric acid is bright orange in color. So how does the mixture of red and bright orange make pink? It’s when the two acids get mixed up in white blood, pink color emerges.

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Here’s another unexpected fact for your knowledge. Honey never comes off, not today, not tomorrow-never. Modern archaeologists have recently come to discover thousands of years old pots of honey, still preserved.

One reason behind the eternal shelf life of honey is its chemical make-up. Honey is basically sugar, which means it’s hygroscopic. The term hygroscopic is used for things that contain very little water in their natural state. However, if they are left unsealed, they can suck in moisture.

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“Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish” is literally the only organism that is immortal. The reason behind this one is that once the adult form of the 4.5 mm-wide species Turritopsis dohrnii have reproduced, they don’t die but transform themselves back into their juvenile polyp state.

What really happens is that their tentacles retract, their bodies shrink and they sink down to the ocean bed. After this, the cycle repeats itself.


Yes! It is so huge that even a human being can swim through its arteries. It weighs around 1,300 pounds and its heartbeat can be detected over a distance of 2 miles. Though, the above picture is obviously showing the replica of it.

Throat of a whale is no bigger than a saucer.

A whale’s throat is generally only a few inches across. The reason behind this is that they feed on small things, mostly. Most of them feed on small fish like herring or sand lance. Though, some expansion of the throat probably does take place, but not much.

A big heart with a throat like that, just imagine!

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For every one human being, there are 1.6 million ants in the world. Well that’s a huge number! They have literally been scurrying around the earth for over a very long time now. The number of known species of ants in US right now is around 600.

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An octopus has three hearts! Of course each of them has a different purposes. Two hearts pump blood to the gills, while a third circulates it to the rest of the body.

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The normal individual has around 10,000 taste buds. That number may appear like a ton, yet it could not hope to compare to the creature that has the most. That is on account of this animal has taste buds in its mouth, as well as everywhere on its body.

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Imagine if we ever had a rain of diamonds on earth, we’d be richer than ever. Scientists believe there are big enough diamonds that fall on these planets, huge enough to be worn by film stars.

Guess I’m shifting to Jupiter!

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It’s good news for all the book lovers out there and youngsters who cannot stop using mobiles during night time. According to science, using mobile phones in poor lights or reading a book in low lights doesn’t affect our vision adversely.

According to scientists, disturbed sleeping schedule and eventually lack of sleep makes a person see enemies all around oneself. Now you know the reason behind being cranky all day and not putting up with everyone. Well scientists have revealed the reason behind this mood and it’s time to fix our sleep now.

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The chances of your glass of water having a molecule that once passed through a dinosaur is 100%. There is a theory that explains that there’s a very small percentage of all the water in the world, available for drinking purposes. Though it is still a lot to satisfy every human being that has ever existed on earth for the past 200,000 years.


Frankenstein was actually a creator, not a monster! He’s a fictional character who first appeared in Mary Shelley’s Novel, Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein basically builds this creature in the laboratory and Shelly describes him as 8-Foot-tall and very ugly. Exaggerated, huh?

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Yes! You have seen people doing that but it’s a common courtesy among crabs as well. They have their own version of fist pump. Moreover, it’s an amusing fact that male crabs wave their claws in the air to attract female crabs. How cool is that now!!

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Are we really made up of more bacteria than the human cells? Well it’s true! According to a body census, you are more bacteria than you are. We do everything to avoid any contact with germs. We wash hands, use sanitizer and spray our countertops when someone sneezes near us but the truth is bacteria is part of our human body and its time to accept the reality.

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Unluckily, far too many people are still under the common misconception that goldfish bowls provide an adequate home for a goldfish. Putting your fish in the bowl is like putting it in the toilet and expect him to show you his best colors, grow to the size of a softball, and never get sick – it just isn’t going to happen.

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Who knew?!

Teaching started in Oxford as early as 1096, and by 1249, the University was officially founded. Whereas, The Aztec civilization actually started with the founding of Tenochtitlán in 1325.Though there’s still no clear date of foundation. Rapid developments were seen at the Oxford University after Henry II banned the English students from attending the University of Paris.

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People in Cyprus actually call him ‘Basil’ and his Greek name is ‘Agios Vassilis’. St. Basil (Agios Vassilis) was actually a very kind-natured man, who used to help poor and needy people out. Though he was only a bishop in Caesarea. He died on 1st of January 379 AD. In his memory, Agios Vasilis brings presents on New Year’s Eve. Guess Santa ain’t a mystery man anymore huh?

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Actually they are known to be too aggressive to tame. Though they are being quite useful in the Imire game reserve of Zimbabwe, they help to plow fields and to carry rangers into hard-to-reach areas.



The answer is yes, it can! Though the fire behaves in a different manner in space and microgravity. It tends to form a sphere surrounding the wick. Diffusion plays an important role in feeding the fire with oxygen and allowing carbon dioxide to move away from the point of combustion.

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That’s right! Sleeping less makes you see enemies all around you. People who are sleep deprived are known to have trouble reading facial expressions, more accurately. You might mistake an enemy for a mistake. So please sleep well for your own good!

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When your body detects and increased amount of moisture, it understands the fact that the environment be slippery. And so, the skin on your hands starts to reform in order to make it easier for you to have a better grip on smooth surfaces.

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The tiny indent between your nose and the upper lip is actually known as Philtrum. The two sides of your face actually develop independently of each other and come to meet together in the middle of your face. This is how philtrum is actually formed. When they fail to meet properly, the result is a cleft palate.

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Our ancestor’s main occupation was actually hunting. In order to run fast enough to catch the prey, well-built buttocks was a huge thing for a task like that. Haha!

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