
Showing posts from September, 2024

15 days ultimatum: NANNM relaxed ultimatum

Following the expiration of the 15 days ultimatum issued by the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) to the Federal Government, NANNM had released another circular. In the two (2) paged circular with reference number NANNM/ADM/41/VOL.VI/20, dated 14 September, 2024 and signed by the Deputy General Secretary, Elder Otaru Daniel Shaibu, with the title: RE: A NOTICE OF 15 DAYS ULTIMATUM: DECISION OF NEC , illustrated the part played by the NEC-in-session of NANNM towards the reopening of the verification portal , which was one of the five (5) issues raised my NANNM. Following the time bound on the other issues, NANNM urges his members to give the ministry of health, some times to implement the other requests, thereby relaxed the ultimatum. The Circular Reads: Recall that the Association issued a 15-day ultimatum to the Federal Ministry of Health on 2nd September, 2024, REF: NANNM/FED/01/VOL.XVI/64, as directed by the NEC-in- session of 28th & 29th Au

China's Huawei unveils triple-folding phone with hefty price tag

Chinese tech giant Huawei's new trifold phone Huawei Mate XT is displayed during its launch day at a Huawei store in eastern China's Zhejiang province on September 10, 2024. (Photo by AFP) Chinese tech giant Huawei on Tuesday unveiled the world's first triple-folding phone at more than three times the price of the newest iPhone, hours after its US competitor lifted the curtain on its own new handset built for AI. The Mate XT was officially launched in a keynote presentation by Huawei executive Richard Yu at the firm's headquarters in the southern city of Shenzhen. Originally designed as a premium phone for a niche audience, more than three million people registered interest in buying the Mate XT ahead of its launch. The gadget officially goes on sale on September 20, with prices beginning at an eye-watering $2,800 -- over three times more than the new iPhone 16. Advertised in a sleek red and gold design, the phone can transform into a 10.2 inch (26 centimetre) tablet an

FINALLY, NMCN Re-Opens Verification Portal, Went Against House of Rep Directives

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) has opened the Foreign Verification Portal after almost nine months of closure. The portal was opened in the late hour of Friday, 13th September, 2024, nearly 48 hours to the expiration of the 15 days ultimatum issued by National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM). The Buildups  On February 7, the council released a circular on the guidelines for requesting verification of certificates for nurses and midwives in the country. By the circular, nurses and midwives must have a minimum of two years post-qualification experience from the date of issuance of the permanent practicing licence, and the council shall request a letter of good standing from the chief executive officer of the applicant’s place(s) of work and the last nursing training institution attended and responses on these shall be addressed directly to the Registrar/CEO, NMCN, among others. This led to state councils and chapters of the National As

List Of Some Common Medical Tests and their Abbreviations

 🩺🔬 ♦️ `Blood Tests:` 1. CBC  - Complete Blood Count 2. BMP  - Basic Metabolic Panel 3. TSH - Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone 4. FBS  - Fasting Blood Sugar 5. LDL - Low-Density Lipoprotein (Cholesterol) 6. HDL - High-Density Lipoprotein (Cholesterol) 7. INR  - International Normalized Ratio (Blood Clotting) 8. PT - Prothrombin Time (Blood Clotting) 9. PTT - Partial Thromboplastin Time (Blood Clotting) 10. U/A  - Urinalysis ♦️ `Imaging Tests:` 1. CT - Computed Tomography (Scan) 2. MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3. XRAY - Radiography 4. ECHO - Echocardiogram 5. USG - Ultrasonography 6. PET - Positron Emission Tomography 7. MRA - Magnetic Resonance Angiography 8. MRAA - Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Aorta ♦️ `Cardiovascular Tests:` 1. ECG  - Electrocardiogram 2. Holter - 24-hour Holter Monitor (Heart Rhythm) 3. Stress Test - Treadmill Test (Exercise Electrocardiogram) 4. Echo Stress - Stress Echocardiogram 5. CABG  - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting ♦️

MHWUN Ogun Elect New Leaders

The Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), Ogun state chapter elect new leader at the 2024 State delegate conference on Wednesday, 11th September, 2024 at the MHWUN secretariat in Leme, Abeokuta  The conference was witness by dignitaries in the labour union across the country including the National President of the Association of Medical Laboratory Technicians and Assistants of Nigeria (AMELTAN). The election winners posts and numbers of votes are as follows: 1. CHAIRMAN ; Ayodele Odulaja 21 Votes. 2. VICE CHAIRMAN ; Bankole Titilayo 22 Votes. 3. TRUSTEE : Owolabi Michael Kolawole 19 votes. 4. AUDITOR ; Sesi Opaleye 17 Votes. 5. PUBLICITY SECRETARY; Ayanbanjo Tunde Olubunmi 16 votes. The Post of Treasurer was tight (13 Votes each) And the National Returning Officer announced that the National Office will take decision on it and communicate accordingly. .

15 days ultimatum: intensify your prayer and massive mobilization of our members, NANNM urge member

The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) has urges members across the country to intensify members and support in prayer. In a circular with reference number NANNM/ADM/41/VOL.VI/19, dated 12th Sept. 2024 with the title RE: A NOTICE OF 15 DAYS ULTIMATUM , and signed by the Association Deputy General Secretary, Elder Otaru Daniel Shaibu, which is a follow up letter to their letter dated 2nd September, 2024, about the 15 days ultimatum given to the Federal Government of Nigeria by the NANNM. In the circular, NANNM stated that they will be having a meeting with the Federal Ministry of Health on Friday, 13th September, 2024, and urges members to show solidarity and prayers. NANNM added that, paradventure the meeting tomorrow meet a deadlock, members are therefore directed to proceed on a-3-day-warning strike from 16th to 12 midnight 18th September, 2024. The circular reads as follows: Dear Comrades, RE: A NOTICE OF 15 DAYS ULTIMATUM The above subject-matte

MHWUN OGUN Election: HMB Elders endorsed Com. Olojede Kayode as CHAIRMAN.

The esteemed Elders of HMB recently convened a meeting, where they unanimously endorsed Comrade Kayode Olojede as their preferred candidate for the position of Chairman at the forthcoming State Delegate Conference of the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), Ogun State Council. The conference is scheduled to take place on September 11, 2024. This endorsement aligns with the agreement reached at the Elders Forum meeting chaired by Comrade Akeem Balogun in June 2019 in Abeokuta. The HMB Elders present at the meeting included: - Comrade Akin Akintona - Comrade (Mrs.) Olatunji - Comrade Sunday Akanbi - Comrade (Mrs.) Akinsola - Comrade Samson Ogundare Their collective endorsement is a testament to Comrade Kayode Olojede's leadership qualities, experiences and vision for the union. We look forward to his contributions as Chairman. Workers United Can never Be defeated. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!

MHWUN OGUN Election: Vote for fairness, equity, equality, integrity, accountability and transparency

Dear fellow members, As we prepare to elect new officers of MHWUN, OGUN STATE COUNCIL , let us remember the values that are essential to our Union's success: transparency and accountability. We deserve leaders who will operate with openness and honesty, keeping us informed and engaged in decision-making processes. We deserve leaders who will take responsibility for their actions, acknowledging mistakes and learning from them. Let us choose officers who will: - Provide regular updates on association activities and finances - Encourage open discussion and feedback - Make decisions based on members' interests, not personal gain - Be answerable for their actions and performance Together, we can build a stronger, more trustworthy UNION. Let us demand transparency and accountability from our leaders. Let us elect officers who will truly serve us. Let vote for a brighter future. Vote for transparency and accountability." In GOD and YOU our members and delegates, we TRUST. Vote CO

Certificate verification: Nigerian nurses in UK, US forced back home

The sudden deactivation of the verification portal by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria in February has plunged countless Nigerian nurses and midwives working abroad into turmoil. Currently, healthcare workers are encountering hurdles in renewing their licences and meeting the regulatory requirements set by international bodies. Already, some nurses without the necessary verification from the NMCN find themselves in violation of visa conditions and employment laws, resulting in legal consequences. S aturday PUNCH  gathered that many nurses abroad, including United Kingdom and United States, had been forced to return to the country over the issue. Among them is a nurse, who spoke with  Saturday PUNCH  on condition of anonymity to avoid being ridiculed. He recalled how he was thrilled to join the UK Trust, a prestigious healthcare organisation, to contribute his skills to the country’s medical community after moving from Nigeria in September 2023. His hope was, how

15 days ultimatum: NANNM issues fresh date to the Federal Government

The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) has issued a fresh date as against the initial date for the 15 days ultimatum . In a circular dated 2nd September, 2024, titled: A NOTICE OF 15 DAYS ULTIMATUM, NANNM stated categorically that, the 15 days ultimatum is with effect from the date of this circular, and the ultimatum ends on the 16th of September, 2024. It will be recollected that, the National Executive Council (NEC-in-session), of NANNM held a meeting on the 28th and 29th August, 2024 and concluded on five (5) requests to the Federal Government, to be implemented within 15 days ultimatum. The new circular signed by the Deputy General Secretary, Elder Otaru Daniel Shaibu, Reads: Dear Comrades, Sequel to the decision of the NEC-in-session which held on the 28th and 29th August, 2024 at Sharon Ultimate Hotels on the above subject-matter, I write as directed to inform you that the directive has been duly carried out. A-15-day ultimatum has been issue


Following the 15 days ultimatum given to the Federal Government of Nigeria by The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM), NANNM has issued a circular requesting for the names of unemployed Nurses and Midwives across the country. In the circular signed by the Deputy General Secretary, Elder Otaru Daniel Shaibu, dated 2nd September 2024, addressed to The National President, National Administrative Council Members, state Chairmen and secretaries, Representative of Specialist and Pressure Group with a Theme " Collection of Names Of Unemployment Nurses and Midwives ", NANNM requested all unemployed Nigeria nurses and midwives to submit their names and practice license at the closest NANNM secretariat on or before 17th September, 2024. The Circular Reads: Dear Comrades, COLLECTION OF NAMES OF UNEMPLOYED NURSES AND MIDWIVES . National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM), National headquarters is requesting details of unemployed Nurses and Midwiv