
Showing posts from September, 2015

ABO Incompatibility

A, B, and O are the three major blood types. The types are based on small substances (molecules) on the surface of the blood cells. When people who have one blood type receive blood from someone with a different blood type, it may cause their immune system to react. This is called ABO incompatibility. CAUSES. The different blood types are: *. Type A *. Type B *. Type AB *. Type O People who have one blood type may form proteins (antibodies) that cause their immune system to react against one or more of the other blood types. Being exposed to another type of blood can cause a reaction. This is important when a patient needs to receive blood (transfusion) or have an organ transplant. The blood types must be matched to avoid an ABO incompatibility reaction. For example: *. A patient with type A blood will react against type B or type AB blood. *. A patient with type B blood will react against type A or type AB blood. *. A patient with type O blood will react agains


Some striking facts You May Not Have Come Across: 1. There is a town in Jamaica called ABEOKUTA. It was founded by former slaves from present-day Ogun State who were brought to a plantation in that part of Jamaica. 2· In Turkish, the bird we call a Turkey is called "Hindi" ("from India"). In India, it's called "Peru." In Arabic, the bird is called"Greek chicken"; in Greek it's called "French chicken"; and in French it's called "Indian chicken." The bird is indigenous to none of these places. 3· The letter 'i' that Apple uses (in their products iPhone, iPad, iMac, iPod) stands for "Interactive". 4· Edward James Roye, the fifth president of Liberia, was of Igbo descent. 5· President Robert Mugabe is Africa’s oldest Head of State and the world’s second oldest Head of State. He was born in 1924. 6· The name"Nigeria" was coined by Flora Shaw, the wife of Lord Lugard, Nigeria's Gover